Sunday, April 25, 2010

Friendships Sail No Matter What

Did You Have Your Meal Already?

These pictures were taken by one of the road crew at Cloudbreak , Arizona.

It took a total of 5 hours for the Desert King Snake to finish off the Goanna. (Sand Monitor)

As you can see, they put some signage up so it wouldn't be run over

Now that's a meal

Life Cycle of An Auditor

Hari pertama di klien pulang cepet (sekitar jam 7 malem)

Hari ini data mulai datang (sedikit panik tapi masih PD)

Menjelang hard close interim

Semakin dekatttt....

Menjelang Final

Menjelang Pull out

Final (ketika waktu tidur)

Dead line reporting

Fieldwork done

Report release

Masa hibernasi di low season

Abis terima Bonus di Low Season

Mendekati Peak Season Lagi...